Test link : 03/10/2028 - 10/10/2028

Step 1 of 6: Personal Details » Medical Details » Extensions » Extras » Summary » Payment

Personal Details

As it appears in your passport
As it appears in your passport
Shared accommodation is standard. We may contact you privately to discuss your room share options. Please use the Room Share Request field in the portal if required.
dd/mm/yyyy (under 18?)
If you are participating in the challenge as part of a team please enter the team name here
Data Protection

Test-Discover Adventure will not pass on your details to any other organisation apart from Discover Adventure Ltd who will only use them for purposes of administering this event in accordance with their Privacy Policy. By submitting this form you agree to Test-Discover Adventure or Discover Adventure contacting you about this challenge.

Test-Discover Adventure would like to keep you informed about the charity; particularly about their services and other ways you can help, including opportunities to donate, volunteer or fundraise. If you would like to receive further information about us, please indicate below how you would prefer to be contacted:

By clicking Next you agree to Discover Adventure Ltd contacting you about this challenge.